
Friday, February 24, 2012

Planet May Be Fighting Back Against Global Warming

According to NASA satellite data has shown that the height of clouds over the last decade have continued to decrease. No one is sure, as of yet, what this means for the planet or how it may have been caused. Some have hinted that it could be caused by changing weather patterns. It may even be a planetary mechanism for fighting global warming, as the globe heats clouds get shorter allowing the Earth's atmosphere to release heat faster thus cooling the planet. Again, no one is quite sure these are just a few hypotheses from scientists more data is needed. Over the last ten years the clouds on Earth have shrank about 1% that's roughly about 30 to 40 meters. Leading researcher Roger Davies has said ", While the record is to short to be must be due to a change in the circulation patterns that give rise to cloud formation at high altitude." If it is found that the planet does have mechanisms for maintaining temperature balance the answer may open a Pandora's box of questions as to why and how it does this or how it even knows to regulate weather patterns. Much more data is needed before a deeper understanding of the cause and effect is known.

Planet May Be Fighting Back Against Global Warming