
Friday, February 3, 2012

Anonymous Intercepts Call Between Scotland Yard And FBI

Anonymous has had a busy week from taking down going after MPAA, RIAA, and Department of Justice sites. Now they have released a recording of an FBI phone call to Scotland Yard regarding the group as well as an email sent by an FBI agent which gave details and a password for accessing the call. Today they even went as far as to post "The FBI might be curious how we're able to continuously read their internal comms for some time now." This seems to all be leading up to Operation Black March. It is not clear exactly how Anonymous got the access or the intelligence that the call was being made, what is clear is that this is a major embarrassment to the FBI. The call made was regarding an investigation under way of two suspects associated with the splinter group Lulzsec as well as other alleged members of the group. However, it seems that Anonymous is likely one step ahead of Scotland Yard and the FBI. Since the congressional hearings over SOPA and PIPA and especially in the wake of Megaupload being taken offline Anonymous has been extremely active and according to Operation Black March they show no signs of stopping or slowing down.
Anonymous Intercepts Call Between Scotland Yard And FBI